E15 StrengthensAmerica's Energy Security

improving America’s energy independence
Increased bioethanol production continues to help diversify our nation’s fuel supply and dampen the impacts of petroleum market shocks. The more American-made bioethanol use, the more energy independent we are.
E15 Supports hometown jobs and family farms
The bioethanol in E15 is American-made and grown by farm families here in the heartland. This domestically-made fuel displaces more than 600 million barrels of imported oil annually.

E15 Reduces our Dependence on Foreign Oil
In 2022, the United States saw a significant transfer of funds, amounting to over $30 billion or approximately $240 per household, as payments to OPEC nations for oil. Over one-third of U.S. crude supplies came from foreign sources and 40% of the oil processed by refineries was imported.
Join the drive for America’s Fuel
America’s Fuel is a nationwide community of supporters, suppliers, and experts dedicated to showing the facts, sharing the benefits, and ensuring the freedom to fill up with E15.
Environmental Benefits
By cutting climate and tailpipe emissions, E15 gives Americans a greener option to help us decarbonize transportation and improve air quality for everyone.